The audiology experts at Penn State Health provide comprehensive diagnostic services and treatments for both children and adults.

Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center has 12 doctors of audiology on staff who specialize in a wide range of hearing and balance problems. In addition, we have a cochlear implant speech pathologist and a Pennsylvania licensed hearing aid dispenser.

An audiologist prepares a patient for videonystagmography (VNG) testing.
An audiologist prepares a patient for videonystagmography (VNG) testing, a diagnostic evaluation for vestibular balance disorders.

Audiology clinic facts

  • Hershey Medical Center is the only hospital in central Pennsylvania that offers sedated auditory brainstem response testing to identify hearing loss in infants. With pediatric patients, the goal is to identify hearing loss by three months of age and provide intervention/amplification by six months. This is a nationwide standard for all infants, as appropriate intervention provides access to audition and the development of speech and social skills.
  • Hearing aid services are offered for all ages, including real-ear measurements, behavioral testing and subjective assessments for verification of fittings. Bone anchored hearing systems in both surgical and nonsurgical options are evaluated, programmed and managed.
  • Cochlear implants can improve hearing for adults and children. The cochlear implant team consists of audiologists, physicians, speech/language pathologists and other health care professionals who provide activation and programming for all three cochlear implant manufacturers. Adult and pediatric cochlear implant support groups meet throughout the year to provide comprehensive patient and family support.

Available diagnostic evaluations

  • Acoustic Immittance, Tympanometry and Acoustic Reflex Studies – Provides information on the mechanical integrity of the ear.
  • Auditory Brainstem Response Testing (ABR) – Evaluates the integrity of the nerve that runs from the inner ear to the brain. Electrodes are placed on the scalp while the patient listens to clicking sounds.
  • Otoacoustic Emissions (OAEs) – Tests of the outer hair cells that help with hearing are used for both screening and comprehensive evaluations. 
  • Pure Tone and Speech Audiometry – Measures auditory acuity at varying pitches and the patient's ability to hear and discriminate speech.
  • Vestibular Balance and Electrophysiologic Evaluations:
    • Videonystagmography – Measures eye movements to evaluate balance
    • Vestibular-evoked myogenic potential – Assesses the response of the balance system to loud sounds
    • Electrocochleography – Evaluates the inner ear and auditory nerve’s response to sound stimulation
    • Electroneuronography – Measures the function of the facial nerve. Facial nerve problems can cause hearing loss, pain and balance problems.
    • Auditory steady-state responses – Determines frequency-specific hearing impairment

Hearing Aid Walk-In Clinic

Penn State Health Audiology offers a hearing aid walk-in clinic every Tuesday and Friday from 8:30-11:30 a.m. at the University Physician Center – Suite 400. Holidays and weather closures may affect the walk-in clinic schedule. 

For programming adjustments or Bluetooth issues:

  • Call 717-531-6822 to schedule an appointment. These issues will not be serviced during walk-in clinic hours.

Who is eligible?

All current, established patients who have hearing aids that were dispensed through audiology services at Penn State Health. 

What can be done at the walk-in clinic?

You can get:

  • More supplies
  • Assistance with nonfunctioning hearing aids and tubing changes

Is there a fee?

Standard hearing aid charges apply. Questions? Call 717-531-6822.

Meet our Experts in Audiology Care

These experts provide traditional and advanced care for both children and adults.

Hearing Instrument Specialists

Kathryn Brindamour in a professional head and shoulders photograph.

Kathryn Brindamour, Hearing Instrument Specialist

Penn State Health Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery

Abbigail Parsons, in a professional head and shoulders photo.

Abbigail G. Parsons, Hearing Instrument Specialist

Penn State Health Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery


Penn State Health Audiology
200 Campus Drive
Entrance 2, Suite 400
Hershey, PA 17033

Penn State Health Medical Group - Nyes Road Specialties
121 N Nyes Road
Suite C
Harrisburg, PA 17112

Penn State Health Children's Lancaster Pediatric Center
1430 Harrisburg Pike
Lancaster, PA 17601

Penn State Health Lime Spring Outpatient Center
2221 Noll Drive
Suite E100
Lancaster, PA 17603

Penn State Health Otolaryngology
890 Poplar Church Road
Suite 210
Camp Hill, PA 17011

Support Groups

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