How to keep your child safe at the playground

A playground is a wonderful place for children to explore, learn and release their energy. Visiting a playground helps children develop physical skills and strength, enhance their creativity and imagination, and grow their social skills. This unstructured, free play is important for all children, but to make it as safe and beneficial as possible, consider the tips below for choosing the best playground to nurture and excite your child.

Playground Safety Tips

Choosing the right playground

When choosing a playground for your child, keep in mind that playgrounds are designed for specific age groups and not every one will encompass your child’s needs. Check for a sign nearby that identifies the appropriate age group for the equipment. If you don’t find one, do your best to keep your child on equipment that is geared to their age, abilities, developmental level and size. For example, smaller swings are intended for younger children and can break if larger children use them. Likewise, smaller children using equipment designed for older children may have difficulty reaching and climbing. 

There is no substitute for parental supervision, especially for young children. Make sure that your child is using the equipment properly. If needed, help them learn how to take turns and give other playmates the space they need to keep everyone safe.

Don’t forget to consider the weather and temperature. The National Program for Playground Safety reports that only 3% of public playgrounds have full sun protection during peak exposure hours from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. It is a good idea to limit playtime during this time frame. If it is unavoidable, remember to apply sunscreen. Playground equipment may also be hot to the touch, resulting in burns to your child’s bare skin.  

Playground surfaces

Most playground injuries happen when a child falls from the equipment onto the ground. That's why the best way to prevent injuries to your child is to make sure the surface underneath the equipment can help absorb and soften the impact from a fall.

Steer clear of hard surfaces like concrete or asphalt. Although grass may look soft, it is not a shock-absorbing surface. The Consumer Product Safety Commission recommends a thick layer of one of the following materials that extends at least six feet in all directions under the playground equipment:

  • Wood chips, mulch, sand or pea gravel (12 or more inches deep)
  • Mats made of safety-tested rubber or rubber-like material

Climbing structures

Prevent your child from falling or getting entangled on climbing equipment by keeping these tips in mind:

  • Platforms higher than 30 inches above the ground intended for school-aged children should have guardrails or barriers to prevent falls.
  • Vertical and horizontal spaces, like those between the ropes of cargo nets, should be less than 3½ inches wide or more than 9 inches wide. This is to keep a small child's head from getting trapped while preventing them from falling through easily.
  • Stairs, steps and climbing rungs should be evenly spaced. Round rungs should be about 1 to 1½ inches in diameter.
  • Check for sharp points or edges. For wooden structures, check for nails or screws sticking out. Metal structures should not have rust or peeling paint, which could contain lead.
  • Don't let your child wear or play with anything that could get caught on equipment and become a strangulation hazard. Avoid sweatshirts with drawstrings or necklaces, for example, and keep jump ropes and pet leashes away from equipment. If your child rides a bike or scooter to the playground, they should take off their helmet while playing.


Safety tips:

  • Metal slides can get very hot from the sun and seriously burn a child's hands and legs. Plastic slides can get very hot, too. Asphalt and other dark pavement also can cause serious burns. On hot, sunny days, look for playgrounds where slides and other surfaces are shaded.
  • Slides should have a platform with rails at the top for children to hold. There should be a guardrail, hood or other structure at the top so the child must sit before going down the slide. Open slides should have sides at least 4 inches high.
  • Make sure there are no rocks, glass, sticks, toys, debris or other children at the base of a slide. These could get in the way of a child landing safely. The cleared area in front of the slide should extend a distance equal to the height of the slide platform.
  • Teach your child to go down the slide feet first to avoid head injuries and to make sure anyone in front of them is all the way down before they go.
  • Don't go down the slide with children on your lap. While it might seem safe if you are holding them, research shows children's legs often get caught and injured on the way down.


To avoid injuries:

  • Make sure the cleared distance in front of and behind a swing, and the shock-absorbing surface beneath it, is twice the height of the suspending bar.
  • Walls, fences or other objects should be at least 6 feet away from either side of a swing.
  • Swing seats should be made of soft materials such as rubber, plastic or canvas.
  • Make sure open or "S" hooks on swing chains are closed to form a figure 8.
  • Swing sets should be securely and deeply anchored to prevent tipping.
  • Swings should not be too close together. There should be at least 24 inches between swings and no more than two-seat swings (or one tire swing) in the same section of the structure.
  • Discourage kids from swinging on their tummies or jumping off. Teach them not to run in front of swings while other children are using them.

Home playground equipment

If you are considering adding a backyard swing set or other playground equipment to your home, the American Academy of Pediatrics asks you to keep these tips in mind:

  • When purchasing home playground equipment, choose a set that is labeled as meeting safety standard ASTM F1148.
  • Carefully supervise young children using playground equipment. Keep children from shoving, pushing or fighting.
  • The surface under playground equipment should be energy absorbent. Use safety-tested mats or loose-fill materials (such as shredded rubber, sand, wood chips or bark) maintained to a depth of at least 9 inches.  Reevaluate each year as materials may settle and replenish as needed.
  • Install the protective surface at least 6 feet (more for swings and slides) in all directions from the equipment.
  • Swing seats should be made of something soft, not wood or metal.
  • Children should not twist swings, swing empty seats or walk in front of moving swings.
  • Put home playground equipment together correctly. It should sit on a level surface and be anchored firmly to the ground. You may need help from a professional to install the equipment properly.
  • Cap all screws and bolts. Check periodically for loose nuts and bolts and broken, rusty or sharp parts.
  • Install playground equipment at least 6 feet from fences or walls.
  • Check for hot metal surfaces on equipment, such as those on slides, which could cause burns.
  • Never attach ropes, jump ropes, clotheslines or pet leashes to playground equipment because children can strangle themselves on them.
  • Children should always wear shoes and should not wear helmets or clothing with drawstrings while playing.